Govert Hamers “Hoe slimmer je de container laadt, hoe beter”
Interview met Govert Hamers, CEO Vanderlande, in aanloop naar het Smart Industry Event. “In alle sectoren is het nu lonend om distributiecentra te automatiseren. Niet alleen de (post)pakketjes en...
View ArticleSmart Mobility: Disruption on three levels
The city challenged Due to advancements in ICT, such as Big Data and the Internet of Things, the rate of technological improvement is exponentially accelerating. As a result of ‘Moore’s Law’, the...
View ArticleSmart Mobility: Disruptie op drie niveaus
De stad uitgedaagd Ontwikkelingen in ICT zoals Big Data en het Internet of Things versnellen het tempo van de technologische verbeteringen op exponentiele wijze. Door de “wet van Moore” wordt verwacht...
View ArticleThinking in The Long Tail
The digital city, where everything is connected to the internet, makes thinking in the long tail possible: tailored solutions for people who don’t fit in mainstream solutions. Chris Anderson came up...
View ArticleThe rise of the Microtransit movement
Three main trends in transportation Technology site Techcrunch recently reported on three main trends reshaping the future of mobility: on electric, driverless and on demand. These three developments,...
View ArticleThe digital city is continuously growing
12 September 1969: a team of the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) is the first to connect two machines with ARPAnet: one on UCLA and one on the Stanford-university in Palo Alto. Few...
View ArticleHow Tel Aviv won the smart city award, without even knowing it is one?
Written by Ayal Zaum Did you know Tel Aviv is a smart city? It seems that even in the Tel Aviv municipality it was not known, until recently, with the international recognition the city has received,...
View ArticleI left a piece of my heart in YinChuan
Although the wind of pragmatism from American cities is but poorly digested, I am flooded with the prosperous and strong will of the Chinese. I do not care for policy, nor geostrategic, but rather I...
View ArticleIt is smart to consider new urban technology as an incentive to redefine...
Author: Rob Ruts Smartness in cities requires being smart in defining what stands in the way of realizing well thought through urban interests. Safety is such an interest, and a whole industry provides...
View ArticleIncrease of drones in the city
I expect that this increase will appear sooner then we expect it to do: the use of drones in the city. If you have a look at the multiple possibilities. Add to this the developments of the last fifteen...
View ArticleSmart Energy = sustainable generation, durable storage and smart distribution
There’s a lot of focus now on climate and energy, because of the Paris meetings. It also has its impact on (smart) cities: by keeping their ‘energy-households’ under a healthy focus, cities can become...
View ArticleRip. Mix. Build. Digitale disruptie & de stad
Digitale platforms maken in toenemende mate nieuwe maatschappelijke concepten mogelijk die effect gaan hebben alle aspecten van de stad; van op de manier waarop we winkelen, werken, onderwijs volgen...
View ArticleEU Pact of Amsterdam: what will change for cities?
On May 30 the European Ministers responsible for city policy will sign the Pact of Amsterdam. This is the establishment of the European Urban Agenda. What will be the effect on cities? The EU focuses...
View ArticleAmsterdam wil verantwoord datagebruik
Bestuurders en ondernemers uit de meest innovatieve steden ter wereld komen bijeen op 8 en 9 juni, op het Smart City Event in Amsterdam. Dit jaar is de hoofdstad voor de 6e keer de official host van...
View ArticleThinking in The Long Tail
The digital city, where everything is connected to the internet, makes thinking in the long tail possible: tailored solutions for people who don’t fit in mainstream solutions. Chris Anderson came up...
View ArticleThinking in The Long Tail
The digital city, where everything is connected to the internet, makes thinking in the long tail possible: tailored solutions for people who don’t fit in mainstream solutions. Chris Anderson came up...
View ArticleThe rise of the Microtransit movement
Three main trends in transportation Technology site Techcrunch recently reported on three main trends reshaping the future of mobility: on electric, driverless and on demand. These three developments,...
View ArticleThe digital city is continuously growing
12 September 1969: a team of the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) is the first to connect two machines with ARPAnet: one on UCLA and one on the Stanford-university in Palo Alto. Few...
View ArticleHow Tel Aviv won the smart city award, without even knowing it is one?
Written by Ayal Zaum Did you know Tel Aviv is a smart city? It seems that even in the Tel Aviv municipality it was not known, until recently, with the international recognition the city has received,...
View ArticleI left a piece of my heart in YinChuan
The post I left a piece of my heart in YinChuan appeared first on Smart Circle.
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